"There’s a part of my brain that thinks this is too good tobe true but 18 months on I'm so glad i did this and wish i’d found it in my 20’s! I don’t want to return to my old weight and unhealthy habits which to me makes this the best 6 week commitment i ever made"
Before starting the Body Transformation Plan (the BTP), Rachel felt bloated and constantly tired and sluggish with no energy as well as feeling demotivated from previous failed dieting attempts:
"I felt horrendous and knew I needed something drastic to change my health and lose the weight."
"I had tried Weight watchers and “lighter life” of which I lost weight with both and put it all back on with both. Both left me feeling like “dieting” was hard because the shift in the mindset wasn’t there and the results weren’t quick enough to keep me motivated."

Rachel was recommended the BTP through a friend who was doing the challenge herself and was getting great results. It has changed her entire relationship with physical fitness and food:
"She had been honest and said it was tough but worth it. She wasn’t wrong but what she didn’t tell me was the way the 'plan' would change my attitudes to fitness overall and I would enjoy the process even when it was hard."
"Jen always taught us 'You can’t out train poor nutrition' - no matter how much I exercise and I am enjoying exercising, if i’m fuelling my body with rubbish I will put on weight. Balance is key, now I have the ability to put on a little when I want to relax then regain control on the plan for a couple of weeks to undo the damage... This is the longest period of time i’ve ever maintained a healthy weight and not just gone back to terrible habits."
Rachel's lifestyle and daily routine are now changed forever with positive changes to her mental, as well as her physical health:
"Jen also talks about “GETTING IT DONE” - when work and kids allow first thing on my daily list is getting my exercise done for the day. It’s good for my mental health and physically makes me feel better. No excuses, just getting it done is important to me. Of course there’s days when I'm not 'feeling it', but I find dressing ready for a workout means it will get done, and sooner rather than later, in my day."
When asked how she felt having completed two waves of the BTP, Rachel said "AMAZING!"
"I was so proud to achieve a significant weight loss and muscle tone so quickly it spurred me on to the next plan to further my progress. Doing two plans very quickly was key as it gave me the incredible results I wanted."
Although dropping dress size from a size 16 to a size 8, Rachel has transformed more than just her body from joining the BTP:
"If you’d have told me in 2020 I would enjoy running and exercise I would have laughed and said “not a chance”. Now i'm running regular 5k’s several times a week and doing some of the exercises Jen teaches in the challenges to top up. I’m moody if I can’t get a workout in and plan my day around just “getting it done”... I’ve never stuck to anything for this long and i truly believe it’s because of the habits formed during the first BTP, being strict for 6 weeks is nothing when the long term goal is being healthier fitter and fitting in smaller clothes!"
